Monday, October 31, 2005

Delta 1/26 Marines June 1-8, 1968 My Loc (2)...

June 1-6, 1968

The battalion remains OpCon to the 27th Marines and continues operations in the Allen Brook AO. During this period, the battalion makes contact with a large enemy force, capturing large amounts of enemy equipment, rice, and documents. 23 NVA are KIA. Delta Co. had five wounded on June 5 in the vicinity of Cu Ban including Cpl. Corbett and Pfc. Gallagher. A medevac helicopter is shot down also. HM3 Aucoin is mortally wounded this day dies of his wounds several weeks later.

The Cu Ban hamlets were located southeast of Liberty Bridge.

June 7-16, 1968

The battalion is OpCon to the 7th Marines and conducts operations south and west of Hill 55 in conjunction with Operation Mameluke Thrust. The objectives of this operation was to preempt another enemy offensive against Da Nang. The Mameluke Thrust AO extended south to the An Hoa area.

June 7, 1968

The 1/26 Marines meets an NVA battalion at My Loc (2), three miles northeast of An Hoa. Alpha Company was on the right, Delta Company on the left, and Charlie Company in the middle, about 200 yards back. The hot weather continued and was exhausting. During fighting on 7 June, both Alpha and Delta Companies are hit hard.

The Delta Company advance had the 2nd Platoon on the left flank, 3rd Platoon advancing up a small ridge line and 1st Platoon was sweeping a village on the right. The company command post was behind 3rd platoon.

About 10 AM that morning the NVA opened up on the 3rd Platoon's lead squad which had gotten inside the enemy's camouflaged positions. The enemy opened up with automatic weapons at close range from a trench line. Elements of 3rd Platoon counter attacked the enemy killing all five NVA in the trench. Delta Company sustained casualties including two Marines KIA.

The following Marines were killed during this fight:

2nd Lt. Samuel Hannah, 6/7/68 -- Killed by gunshot wound near My Loc

LCpl. David Auen, 6/7/68 -- Killed by gunshot wound near My Loc

The fighting became widespread. Alpha Company was to the right and ahead of Delta and they took fire when they entered a tree line and became heavily engaged. All of Delta Company platoons came under fire. 2nd Platoon assaulted through the tree line and relieved the pressure on third platoon.

The Company regrouped while casualties were medevaced. Charlie Company had moved up to support Delta sent one platoons by helicopter over to help Alpha Company in its actions. Charlie Company was ordered to secure around the LZ.

About noon as Delta Company got ready to move out again, snipers opened up from the direction away from the tree line. The company held its position and a fire mission was called. Then, the NVA opened up on the company with heavy automatic weapons fire from positions in the tree line. Third Platoon was hit hard again and the attack resulted in many Marine casualties.

Delta Company with attached units engaged the NVA and the enemy was forced to pull back as sustained artillery and air strikes were called in. That evening the 1st Platoon was pulled up on the ridge with 2nd and 3rd Platoons.

The following Marines were killed during this fight:

Cpl. Normand Deschaine, 6/7/68 - Died of wounds suffered during fighting near My Loc

Cpl. Johnnie Espy, 6/7/68 - Killed by gunshot wound near My Loc

LCpl. John Scarpinato, 6/7/68 - Killed by gunshot wound near My Loc

HN Ronald Rockefeller, 6/7/68 - Killed by gunshot wound near My Loc

Elements of Alpha and Charlie Companies were attached to Delta Company during this fight. The following Marines were killed:

Pfc. Alton Staples III, 6/7/68 - A/1/26 Marine

Cpl. David Dixon, 6/7/58 - C/1/26 Marine

2nd Lt. Samuel Hannah was awarded the Silver Star (Posthumously) for his actions and valor on June 7, 1968.

Sgt. Clark Henson (KIA-6/16/68) was awarded the Silver Star (Posthumously) for his actions and valor on June 7, 1968.

The My Loc (2) fight was costly with many Delta and Alpha Company casualties reported. Delta Company casualties were 8 KIA and 22 WIA. Alpha Company had 14 KIA and 18 WIA.

Enemy casualties were heavy and his objective of gaining close approach to Da Nang was once again denied.

June 8, 1968

The 1/26 Marines sweep north to An Hoa.

LCpl. David Knox, 6/8/68 - Died of wounds suffered during fighting on June 7

1stLt D. L. McGravey replaces Capt J. N. Daniel as Delta Co. Commander.